Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Simple Act of Human Kindness

Welcome to this, one of a kind, blog featuring the darkest thoughts and random images from the brain of The Guido - Dutchman and Samaritan.

Here, you will find an exact transcription of the (brief) log he kept during the trip across the states - interspersed with photos, mainly of trucks.
This blog will either go down in blogger history as an extraordinarily profound insight into the workings of one man's mind - or be the dullest/wierdest thing you have ever read.
We leave the final verdict up to you.

Thoughts, Images, Being.

We have left in sunshine

60,080 miles at Los Gatos where deer drank from the artificial waterfall and the shrubs smell delicious

Good food and lodging sign and horses on top of the Californian hills in blue skies!

First toll: $5 and 28 gallons

With help of Paul/GPS we found In and Out Burger!

Trucks on bridge

Pick-up in rain aquaplanes

Through telephone to Marty – oh, we are just coming into Lake Tahoe going to Reno

Time paused as metal dragon passes by

5:18pm got hit by a dust devil.
Neil: wets pants.
Guido: cheers.

5:40 pm Gas in Lovelock NV – 26 gallons

8:40 pm Gas in Elko NV – 22 gallons

Up at 5:00 am! Both farting. Continental breakfast (unique to USA)

Neil does drawing of Desert Star truck

Guido picks a bunch of sage brush and hangs it in the cab. Neil says it smells like we have kidnapped an old lady

Banging Orbital through the flats of Salt Lake

Sunshine on our faces

Food and gas at Parley Summit. Pancakes et al.

Lots of antelope near Rawlins.

Paul calls: try to make it to North Platte. Neil is skeptical.

Guy at corner of fuel station blowing leaves into the wind.

Neil missing nice huge river with sandy banks and washed away and up again tree stumps. And after that, missed Raccoon River and Skunk River.

Trucker with wolf on jumper checking tires by slamming his hand on them and reassuring load with huge tool.

She called me “young man” and Neil, “Sir”

Very nice service at Denny’s in Omaha.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, those trucks look like they are humping each other...LMAO.

    Nice, short recap of the trip, Guido. ;)
